Realme GT5 Pro is scheduled to arrive on December 7, the company revealed today. The smartphone is set to be “a symphony of chipset supremacy and pixel-perfect imagery”, refering to its Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC and Sony IMX890 sensor for the telephoto lens.
The company went to lengths in its press release, explaining how good the Sony sensor is and how the GT5 Pro will “set a new benchmark for telephoto imaging quality.” It also said the flagship would be the first to combine Qualcomm’s new chipset and the IMX890.
Realme partnered with ArcSoft to develop the device’s photo capabilities, and the US-based software company helped with semantic perception, image quality enhancement, and computational lighting to allow users to “enjoy a more relaxed and excellent photography experience”.
The launch of the GT5 Pro will take place in Shenzhen, China, at 2 PM local time. The press release said nothing about an international unveiling.