Every Verizon customer, be it current, former, or even prospective, is probably familiar with the carrier’s many different definitions of the word “unlimited” when it comes to wireless plans. You have your entry-level Unlimited Welcome option, which is really not unlimited at all considering that it lacks basic access to Big Red’s blazing fast 5G Ultra Wideband network, as well as the costlier Unlimited Plus and Unlimited Ultimate plans, both of which have their advantages and disadvantages.
But then there’s another type of unlimited service that Verizon offers and many of you may not know very much about. That’s unlimited cloud storage, which you can add to any plan (even with limited data) for the low price of $13.99 a month right now.
If that doesn’t sound very low to you, then you’re probably not familiar with how costly cloud storage can get on other platforms. 2TB Dropbox and Google One plans, for instance, are both $9.99 a month, while Apple is willing to up your iCloud+ ceiling to 6 or 12TB for the handsome monthly fees of $29.99 and $59.99 (!!!) respectively.
With that in mind and the fact that unlimited cloud storage seems pretty hard to come by nowadays at Verizon’s “rivals”, we can surely agree that you’re looking at quite the bargain here. Of course, we can also understand if you’re fearful that Big Red’s usual shenanigans could come into play at some point to either jack up the price or reduce this killer deal’s perks and benefits, but if that happens, no one will stop you from cancelling your subscription.
For the time being, it feels important to point out that the “unlimited” Verizon Cloud offer does come with a couple of limits and restrictions, like a 10GB cap on individual file uploads and a daily ceiling of 50GB, although those are definitely not what we’d call major dealbreakers.
There’s also an Unlimited Group option to consider at $19.99 a month per line with unlimited cloud storage for up to 5 users on your phones and computers of choice, while the 600GB tier will set you back a very reasonable $5.99 a month. This is all almost too generous for Verizon, making us think that (early) Christmas miracles may well be real.